Classmates Listing

Several of the classmates listed herein may not have been listed as graduating with us. It includes several who moved away or otherwise attended schools elsewhere, but spent a number of years in our class. Those with an * after their name are deceased.

Jeannan Acree* Joan (Jo) Gardner Janice Phillips
Johnnie M Albritton Rosa Gardner* David R Phillips
Marie Alligood* Edgar Robert Gaskins* Joseph R Phillips*
Olivia T Armstrong Jimmy Gaskins Helen Pipkin
Robert (Toby) Arthur Lorraine Gooding Billy D Powell
Charles H Ashford, JR Betty Gray Charles T Powell
James A Avery Doris Lynn Gray Adrienne Prevost
Sula Baches Carole Sandra Gryb* Charlie Pridgen*
J. B. Ball Gunhilde Gunnersen* Lonnie E Pridgen, JR
Hugh T Banks Margaret Guthrie* Minnie Pridgen*
Shirley Ann Banks* Gail Maxine Hamilton* Hubert Pulley
Raymond Bayer* James Albert Hancock* Robert Allen Purifoy*
Joyce Bell Jean Carol Hargett Lorena Quidley
Otis Bell Joe Mac Harper* Nelson Martin Quinn*
Emma Ruth Bennett* Clifford T. Harris* Frank D Rawls
Richard B Benninghoff* Lillian Harris Herbert E Rawls
Bettie Carol Bland Sybil Harrison Carol Reeves
Barbara Ann Blandford Robert A. (Bobby) Hawkins Charles Reynolds
Jimmy Blizzard* Ivey L Heath, JR Wanda Rice Rhodes*
Larry Lee Blythe* Kay Heilig Richard G Rice, JR
Sharon Bolin Doug Henderson Barbara Riggs
A Foster Bordeaux Marion E Herrington Roy R Riggs
Barbara Jean Braddy Harriet Hobby Herbert Rivenbark*
Stanley R Brickhouse Dellon Hoyle Holt Jackie Rouse*
Nellie Brinkley Benjamine C Howell Ester Sandlin
Ellen Frances Brinson John N Hrin June Sellars
Elizabeth Brinson Richard Hubbard Pat Simonds
Frances Marie Brinson* Patsy Hudson (Anderson)* Charles F Smith*
Kenneth Brown Betty Marie Jaques Murray J Smith, JR
Agnes Bryan Sylvia Cayton Jenks Walter W Smith
Doris Buck Alton Ray Johnson Henry Smithwick*
Bob Burnett Bonnie Johnson Walter C Spruill*
Bessie Burroughs Glenda Johnson J Robert Stallings
Billy Cahoon* Carol Sue Johnson Vera Jean Stephenson
Arthur Thomas Caldwell Ennis Jolly* Thurman Stocks*
Jo Campen* Jimmy Jones* Charles H Stokes
Barbara Jean Carraway* Elaine Ruth Jones* William E Street III*
Ann Carter* Wilton C Jones James Phillip Thomas
Shirley Ann Cayton Anne Carole Jordan* James B Thompson*
Sylvia Cayton* Christine Joseph Ron Tibbets (Rose)
Edna Cole Alan Ray Joyner* Ken Tiffany
Jerry R. Cole Jelen Seifert Kafer Thomas F Tilghman
Carl Graham Coley* Oscar A Kafer III Robert H Tooker, JR
Barbara Cook* Betty Carol Kellum Edward D Trader
Frank W. Croft Sybil Anne Kellum* Alexander R Tuten*
Ola Virginia Cuthrell Redden L Kelly* Daughtery T Twiddy
Betty Lou Davis Robert Phillip Kennel Kenneth E Tyndall*
Carol Yvonne Davis* Ronald Lee William A Uhlman
Gus Davis Robert O Lewis Annette Warner
J. B. Davis* Brinkley Maurice Lewis* Marilyn Watson
Jo Ann Debruhl David Madison Betty Lois Wells*
Susan Theresa Dickens Sammy L Magill, JR* William Wells*
Eugene Dixon Roddy Martin* Jackie Ray Wetherington*
Luther Eastwood* John B Mason Jean Wetherington*
Floyd Ebron* Gatesy Mathews* Mary Alice Wetherington
Barbara Edwards Libby Matthis Patricia Wetherington*
Christine Edwards Betty McCaffety Aldridge White
Ben Epps Mary Dunn McCotter Mary Elizabeth White
Lillian Marie Eubanks* Ila Grey McIlwean Elizabeth (Boots) Whitford
Bill D. Ferebee James W Mitchell John C Whitty
Judith Carol Fisher Kenneth Ray Moore Barbara Williams
Sonny Fones* Etta Mozingo Robert Graham Williams
Jean Freeman Steve T Mullen* Manuel T Williams
Lyllis mae Freeman R Douglas Nelson* Tommy Williams*
Connie French James Luther Nelson* David Willis
Jimmy Fulcher Carol Oliver John Dewey Willis
Perry Gard Cecil Parker Patricia Wood*
  Sylvia Perkins Jean Wright